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  • 12/09/2018

    This thing is neat! I wasn't sure what will come out of it, but man it's great. Turns your action cam into tiny DSLR. Using it with GitUp Git2 (you have to unscrew the lens protector). To mount it, turn both rings all the way right (that is your right, when short end is facing towards you, and wide end facing away) and lock them in place with screws, screw in the lens untill it's in focus and secure it (loctite, hotglue, whatever, just prevent it from coming loose). To focus the lens, screw it in slowly as it turn sharp (picture on tiny Action Cam screen stops being smooth and starts to become all jagged and pixelated), mark the place where screw are with marker or something, keep turning it until the image becomes out of focus again (from jagged to smooth),mark the place. Your optimal focus is about in the middle between those marks. That way you can use whole magnification range, going from wide angle (there's a bit nasty fish eye distortion that way, so unless you go for those old fish eye skating videos effect you won't be using it much) up to about 1cm away macros. An extended arm is still a distance usefull for vlogging no matter the zoom amount, and the fish eye is acceptable at about 2/3rd zoom in, making it similar to regular wide angle lenses. The only downside is that it's a CCTV lens, so there's no way to attach any filters to it without going MacGyver on it. [ALL PHOTOS WERE TAKEN FROM THE SAME POINT, except for macro one]

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  • 13/03/2017

    До самого конца был не уверен, но после того как установил был шокирован качеством передачи, фокусировка проста. Всем рекомендую!

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